
Healthcare providers

We believe that your overall health is influenced by social determinants of health – the environment where you grow, live, work, and learn. Unresolved legal problems can negatively influence the social determinants of health. This chart shows some of the ways legal problems and health can overlap.

We hope that by building awareness of our services among healthcare providers, we can improve health outcomes for low-income, vulnerable and marginalized people.

If you have a client or patient with a legal problem:

We can also:

  • link you to information about legal problems.
  • send you the Legal Health Awareness Poster to display in your office or workspace.
  • provide pamphlets, business cards, tear-off sheets and more
  • provide a workshop for you and your co-workers on different legal topics (e.g., Disability Tax Credit forms, Ontario Disability Support Program forms).  Review our Justice & Health presentation series here.

Here are some other resources you may find helpful:

Justice & Health Partnership Project

In 2015, CALC began piloting a Justice & Health Partnership Project together with several local healthcare providers. Justice & Health Partnerships, also known as Medical Legal Partnerships, are innovative collaborations between healthcare providers and legal professionals designed to build legal awareness and literacy, increase access to legal services, reduce health disparities, and improve health outcomes.

Watch this video to hear our healthcare provider partners speak about their experience working with CALC.

The project is still going strong and we are always looking to recruit new partners.

If you are interested in getting more information about the project, please contact our office or visit the Justice & Health Partnership section of our website, where you will also find many resources.