
Helping those who are justice involved

CALC has created resource guides, one for those living in Hastings and Prince Edward County and one for those living in Lennox & Addington County.  You can find them on our page for People Who Have Been Incarcerated.

Below are more resources for both community service workers helping the justice involved and their friends or family members.


John Howard Society (JHS)

JHS Learning Hub is a free learning platform for the justice-serving sector.  Find skills-based training and practical resources for frontline workers serving justice-involved people in Ontario.

JHS has an information guide on police record checks in Ontario for those who help or work with people who may be impacted by police records.

JHS has a handbook for people visiting a person in custody at an adult correctional facility in Ontario.


The Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee has an information guide and webinar with helpful strategies for community service providers engaging with correctional facilities in Ontario.

The Canadian Families and Corrections Network provides resources regarding reintegration following incarceration.