Income assistance
Are you having problems with getting income assistance from the government? Were you turned down for a government income benefit or have been cut off of a benefit? Were you were told you were overpaid and have to pay it back? We can help.
Income issues are often linked to other problems like job loss, discrimination, housing problems, and consumer and debt problems. Contact us to find out about your legal rights.
Several government programs give income support:
Ontario Works: Income support for people who have no other income.
Ontario Disability: Income support for people who have a disability, are unable to work, and have no other income.
Canada Pension Plan Disability: Income support for people who contributed to CPP while working, but are now unable to work because of a disability.
Employment Insurance: Income support for people who lose their job, or can't work at their job temporarily (e.g. sick or parental leave).
Canada Child Benefit: Income support for parents with children under the age of 18.
Public Retirement Pensions, including:
- Canada Pension Plan Retirement: A retirement pension paid to people who contributed to CPP while working.
- Old Age Pension: A retirement pension paid to everyone when they turn 65.
- Guaranteed Income Supplement: An income support paid to low-income seniors.