Seniors’ issues – Other help
Legal advice
The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly specializes in seniors’ issues and can give legal advice to seniors living in Ontario. They also offer many publications on consumer protection, elder abuse, home care, health care consent and more.
Queen’s Elder Law Clinic gives free legal services to seniors living on a low income in Southeast Ontario, including preparing Wills and Powers of Attorney.
Hastings County Housing: If you are interested in applying for seniors’ housing, call 613-771-9630 or 1-866-414-0300. For information on seniors’ housing, call 613-968-3465.
Prince Edward / Lennox & Addington Housing: They have several seniors buildings. To apply for subsidized housing, please call 613-354-0957 or Toll Free 1-866-354-0957 (within the 613 area code). They will help you fill out your application over the phone so you know what information you need and understand the questions you’re being asked and will mail your completed form to you for you to sign.
If you are Indigenous, see our Indigenous Rights’ Other Help page for information on how to find housing.
Ontario Retirement Communities Association gives information about retirement homes, how to choose a home, etc.
Health care
See our Health and disability – Other help page.
Financial information
Property tax credits
Property tax credits are available for seniors. Call your town’s tax office to see what’s available in your area. See our Consumer page for more information on programs in Hastings and Prince Edward counties.
Income tax preparation
Community Volunteer Income Tax program has volunteers who will do your income tax preparation for free. See our Where To Go For Help chart for free income tax preparation information for Hastings, Prince Edward or Lennox & Addington counties. Many Community Care offices offer this service as well.
Government programs for seniors
Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility has a lot of information for Ontario seniors, including the Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario, information on tax credits and benefits, and a list of programs available for seniors.
Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODB) is available if you are 65 or older and have a valid health card. Low-income seniors can apply for waiver of deductible and have co-payment reduced to $2.00. Application available at your local pharmacy or call 1-800-575-5386.
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors is a Federal Government page with information for seniors in Canada, with links to provincial and territorial resources.
Information for veterans
Veteran Affairs Canada website has information on services for veterans.
Veteran’s Review and Appeal Board website explains how and where to appeal decisions of the Minister of Veterans Affairs.
Bureau of Pensions Advocates (BPA) provides free legal help for people with decisions about their claims for veterans’ disability benefits.
Veteran’s Rights website has information on the review and appeal process.
Veteran’s Ombudsman is an Independent officer who reports directly to Minister of Veterans Affairs. You can contact the Veteran’s Ombudsman to make complaints about programs and services provided by Veteran’s Affairs Canada.
Other resources
National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)
The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly is an international network of researchers, practitioners and students dedicated to improving the care of older adults, both in Canada and abroad.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
Elder Abuse Prevention is a provincial, non-profit organization focused on combatting elder abuse. They offer public education and training of professionals/service providers and families of seniors, to raise awareness around elder abuse issues.
The seniors’ safety line: 1-866-299-1011 is a 24 hr crisis and support line run by the Assaulted Women’s Help Line.
For more help with Elder Abuse, see our Abuse and Family Violence “Other Help” page.