
Employment and work – Other help

Other sources of legal advice

If CALC is not able to help you with your employment problem or human rights at work claim, you can call:

Local help

The Workers’ Help Centre helps unionized and non-unionized workers with employment issues and filling out forms, including Employment Insurance and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claims.

158 George Street, Basement
Belleville, Ontario

Call 613-969-4357 to make an appointment. Note that they are volunteers and open limited hours.

Are you looking for work?

If you’re looking for work, you can get help at your local employment agency. Go online to Employment Ontario’s find employment and training services page to do a search.

The March of Dimes (employment services for clients) gives help to people with disabilities who are looking for jobs, employees with disabilities, and union representatives looking for information about making workplaces more accessible and inclusive.

Do you belong to a union?

If you’re having a problem at work or if you’re fired, talk to your union first. If you feel your union is not assisting you properly, see the Steps to Justice website page: “What can I do if my union won’t help me?”