Improving legal rights – Victims of crime
This page provides a number of links and other information on law reform activities that our clinic, as well as others, is or has been involved in.
Current law reform activities
We are concerned about recent changes the provincial government is making to the Criminal Injuries Compensation program. Read our August 2019 letter to the Ministry of the Attorney General about questions and concerns we have on this important issue.
Our past law reform activities
Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment
In May 2015, we presented at the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment, a provincial committee whose mandate was to consider advice and recommendations with respect to the prevention of sexual violence and harassment for people living in Ontario.
As a result of these consultations, there was a change to legislation which removed the two-year limitation period for filing a CICB application for crimes of sexual violence or of “violence that occurred within a relationship of intimacy or dependency.”
To read more about our past activities and projects, read our past newsletters and annual reports.
Read the 2004 report, by Janet Mosher, et al, “Walking on Eggshells: Abused Women’s Experiences of Ontario’s Welfare System.”
Other law reform resources
National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is a not-for-profit feminist organization that promotes equality rights of Canadian women through legal education, research, and law reform advocacy.
Quinte Coordinating Committee Against Violence (QCCAV) is an amalgamation of the Coordinating Committee Against Sexual Violence and the Coordinating Committee Against Domestic Violence (est. early 1980’s). QCCAV is a group of individuals representing various agencies in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. They work to promote individual and community awareness of issues relating to sexual and domestic violence. CALC is a member of this committee. CALC participates yearly in the December 6 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. Watch the video of 2020’s virtual vigil.