Housing problems – Help for landlords
Legal information and help
We do not represent landlords but offer our Landlord Information Sheet, which summarizes helpful information/links for landlords, including financial resources for tenants.
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The Landlord’s Self-Help Centre is a legal clinic that gives legal advice to small-scale landlords in Ontario. They also offer RTA Fact Sheets and learning videos. |
The Landlord and Tenant Board has information for landlords, including the forms to use for landlord applications.
Other sources of information
Rent Connect, provided by Hastings County Community and Human Services, allows landlords to advertise rental units for free.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has information on renting a home and the landlord/tenant relationship.
Rent Supplements – Ontario Affordable Housing Program
Hastings County – Community and Human Services, Social Housing: Interested landlords can apply to participate in the Rent Supplement/Housing Allowance part of the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP). Selected landlords will receive funding from the County of Hastings to bridge the difference between the market rent and the amount an eligible household can afford to pay. For details call 613-968-3465.