
Improving legal rights – Income security

Here are links and other information on law reform activities that our clinic, as well as others, is involved in regarding income security issues.

Income Security Advocacy Centre

The Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC) works with and on behalf of low income communities in Ontario to address issues of income security and poverty.

ISAC initiates and conducts test case and Charter litigation, law reform and community development related to federal and provincial income security programs such as Ontario Works, the Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance and the Canada Pension Plan.

Your Legal Rights

Your Legal Rights (CLEO Connect) is a project of CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario). It has an easily searchable collection of hundreds of resources and news items on a wide range of legal topics, in a number of languages, produced by legal clinics and community organizations across Ontario.

ODSP Action Coalition

The ODSP Action Coalition is made up of community clinic caseworkers, agency staff, and community activists. They undertake campaigns and activities designed to raise awareness of issues affecting persons in receipt of Ontario Disability Support Program (“ODSP”) benefits.

The ODSP Action Coalition was formed in 2002 as a coalition of lawyers, community workers and consumers. The coalition is leading the campaign to document and publicize problems with ODSP and has engaged in lobbying and advocacy to encourage solutions to those problems.

Poverty Roundtable

The Poverty Roundtable Hastings Prince Edward was formed in 2013 to look at things they could do locally, to address the causes of poverty and to broaden their capacity to do so by working together.  Individuals, organizations, and businesses who agree with the mission and vision of the Roundtable are welcome to join. They are focused on community education and empowerment, information exchange and creating partnerships, and policy advocacy.

End Child and Family Poverty

Visit for more information on ending child poverty in Canada.


PovNet is an internet site for advocates, people on welfare, and community groups and individuals involved in anti-poverty work.  PovNet links to current anti-poverty issues and also provides links to other anti-poverty organizations and resources in Canada and internationally.