
Schools and education – Other help

Legal Advice

Justice for Children & Youth (JFCY) is a legal clinic for low-income children and youth in Ontario. They give legal information and advice to young people, and to adults about the rights of young people.

Pro Bono Ontario has volunteer lawyers who offer legal advice and some representation to qualified applicants. They also have videos for parents with advocacy tips.

Advocacy tips

Tips for Parents of Students with Disabilities on How to Advocate For Your Child’s Needs at School – video by Osgoode Hall Law School Visiting Professor David Lepofsky giving practical tips to parents of students with disabilities in Ontario or other Canadian provinces on how to advocate for your child’s needs at school. More information available at

Advocacy for Inclusion – series of short videos from Inclusive Education Canada – offering knowledge and tools for families and students with a disability seeking an inclusive education, and outlines the necessary supports to access it.