
Schools and education – More legal information

Justice for Children & Youth (JFCY) has a variety of information, including:

Resources for parents

Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) has a page for advocates helping parents without immigration status get their children into school.

CLEO’s Your Legal Rights has a page on Education law.

Ontario Ministry of Education has a page on preventing bullying and harassment.

People for Education is a charitable organization that supports public dialogue about public education. They offer:

School Advocacy Hamilton is a page for parents and advocates in Hamilton, but can be used for local advocacy as well. Learn about basic advocacy skills, suspensions and expulsions, and special education. See their extensive list of links to other resources.

Video – Tips for members of accessibility advisory committees

Are you a member of an Ontario municipality’s Accessibility Advisory Committee or an Ontario school board’s Special Education Advisory Committee or some other public or private organization’s advisory body on disability issues? Here is a video that can be very helpful for you!

The AODA Alliance has a 55-minute captioned video. AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky provides practical tips for members of a municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee or a school board’s Special Education Advisory Committee. These tips are equally helpful for members of other organizations’ disability advisory bodies. You can find this video below or view it on YouTube at