
Abuse and family violence – More legal information

Do you need to leave your rental home quickly due to violence?

Find information on moving out quickly due to abuse at Steps to Justice.

CALC Tip Sheets

Other resources

Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)

Family Court and Beyond – Luke’s Place

The Family Court Survival Workbook for women leaving abusive relationships provides information on legal issues and family court processes, how to provide evidence of abuse, and completing court documents. There are downloadable checklists, and an organizer.

DAWN Canada – DisAbled Women’s Network

DAWN is an organization created with a mission to end poverty, isolation, discrimination and violence experienced by women with disabilities and Deaf women. They offer tips on Safety Planning, and other violence resources and fact sheets.

Ontario Women’s Justice Network

The Ontario Women’s Justice Network is an online legal resource for women’s organizations and individuals working on issues related to justice and violence against women and children. Their resources include:

Pamela Cross’s Blog

This Canadian feminist lawyer and women’s advocate writes a blog about violence against women and the justice system.

Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children

CREVAWC is a research and education center at Western University that provides information to survivors of intimate partner violence, service providers and the broader community. Their many publications and briefs include information about how to support youth who are impacted by technology-facilitated violence, overcoming barriers in offering supports to women with disabilities and coercive control, gaslighting and diverse forms of violence.

Tech Safety Canada

The Tech Safety Canada website has a Legal Remedies for TFGBV toolkit as well as several other tech safety toolkits.  (TFGBV is tech-facilitated gender-based violence.)

Resources for family law lawyers

What you don’t know can hurt you: The importance of family violence screening tools for family law practitioners – From Justice Canada, written by Luke’s Place

Luke’s Place – webpage for lawyers offering training, resources and pro bono opportunities

HELP Toolkit: Identifying and Responding to Family Violence for Family Law Legal Advisors – New evidence-based toolkit to help family law legal advisers identify and respond to family violence. The HELP toolkit includes practical information on how to ask about family violence in a way that is safe for the client.  The first of its kind in Canada, the HELP toolkit aims to improve how the family justice system responds to family violence

Elder Abuse

Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE)

ACE provides information about elder abuse and links to publications.

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario is a provincial organization that provides education and training related to elder abuse.

Government of Ontario

They have information about elder abuse including what to do if you or a senior you know is being abused. They also have a safety planning checklist and links to more resources.

Financial Abuse

Find resources for seniors experiencing financial abuse on our Seniors’ issues – More legal information page, under Consumer Resources heading.

National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)

They have information on preventing and intervening in situations of financial abuse. See their Tools page for more resources.

Steps to Justice

Steps to Justice is a website that gives you step-by-step information on everyday legal problems. See their Guided Pathway on Responding to Elder Abuse.