Become a clinic member
CALC benefits from having a strong membership base. The more members we have from the community, the better we can do our work. We welcome applications for new members.
Who can be a member
You must:
- live in Hastings, Prince Edward or Lennox & Addington County, or Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
- agree with our Mission Statement, and
- be at least 18 years old.
Why become a member
Becoming a member means that you can:
- attend and vote at the clinic’s general membership meetings
- stand for election to the Board of Directors
- receive a copy of our semi-annual newsletter
- show support for our work in the community
Consider becoming a member and help us serve the legal needs of our local community. Our membership fee is $2.00, but it’s for free for people living on a low income. Your membership must be renewed annually.
How to apply to be a member
Print off our clinic membership form, fill it out, and fax, mail, or drop it off at our office. You can also scan it and email it to
Contact us for more information about applying to become a member.